OTT platform ZEE5 have announced their collaboration for the multi-starrer Telugu sitcom ‘Maya Bazaar for Sale’ on June 27. Produced in association with Rana Daggubati’s Spirit Media, Maya Bazaar for Sale is a light-hearted drama which revolves around different families in a premium gated community. Set to premiere on July 14.
The show is scripted and directed by Gautami Challagulla and produced by Rajeev Ranjan. This one-of-a kind dramedy chronicles the story of families, namely, the Pastry’s, Gandhi’s, the Hippies, the Bachelors, and the Lovey-Dovey couple who move into premium villas in a gated community called ‘Maya Bazaar’.
Talking about the show, Manish Kalra, Chief Business Officer of ZEE5 stated, “With Maya Bazaar For Sale, we are bringing yet another interesting narrative for the audience. The show aims at normalising unconventional ideas with light-hearted comedy. At ZEE5, we take pride in collaborating with storytellers to acquire diverse and socially relevant content that is sure to entertain the audience.”
Producer Rajeev Ranjan added, “Maya Bazaar For Sale explores the non-alignment of ‘happiness in life’ and ‘societal expectations’. Meiyang, Naresh, Eesha, and others have done commendable work in portraying the characters as they were intended to be. The series is a pioneering series in the Telugu OTT that entices and intrigues people to visit a weird but familiar world. The audience will surely love to experience this novel content.”
Director Gautami Challagulla contineud, “We wanted to hold up a mirror to people so they can see that life’s tragedies don’t discriminate and come after all. It felt essential to expose the audience to newer ways of life through these characters. I am grateful for the unceasing support of the cast and crew that gave life to my vision. I am excited to see how the audience reciprocates to the series on ZEE5.”