V Vijaysai Reddy, a prominent leader of YSRCP, resigned from his Rajya Sabha position on Saturday, citing personal reasons. He met Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar to submit his resignation and addressed the media, stating that despite having three and a half years remaining in his six-year term, he chose to step down due to personal considerations.
Reddy announced his resignation on January 24 and expressed his gratitude to YSRCP, clarifying that he has no intention to join any other political party or seek personal gain from his decision. He emphasized that his choice was purely personal and free from any external pressure or influence.
“I will always cherish my association with the YS family, which has supported me for four decades across three generations,” Reddy remarked. He expressed gratitude to YS Jagan Garu for the opportunity to serve as a Rajya Sabha member twice and credited Bharatamma Garu for her instrumental role in his political career.
Today, I submitted my resignation to the Hon’ble Vice President Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar Ji. Hon’ble Chairman of Rajya Sabha is pleased to accept the resignation with immediate effect duly recording the proceedings. pic.twitter.com/nwEGDb0IZt
— Vijayasai Reddy V (@VSReddy_MP) January 25, 2025