Vijay Sethupathi starrer Vidudhala has won hearts, now, the film is streaming on Zee5 , it is a socio-political drama, called ‘Vidudhala – Part 1’ in Telugu. It also stars Soori, Bhavani Sre, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Rajiv Menon, Chethan, and others.
Vidudhala will start streaming from May 26 on the platform. The movie revolves around a rookie cop Kumarasen, played by Soori, who is assigned as a jeep driver to escort a notorious, enigmatic militant leader Perumal (Vijay Sethupathi). Kumarasen holds an idealistic view towards the world.
The film Vidudhala, questions the ethics behind police brutality in the most uncomfortable, unflinching fashion. Apart from throwing the spotlight on police brutality, the story also discusses the state of politics in Tamil Nadu in the 1990s.
Vidudhala – Part 1 focuses on Kumarsan being an obedient government servant to someone who is being forced to question the system.