Bawaal starring Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor will become the first Indian movie to have its premiere at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It is set for direct-to-digital release on Prime Video. It is a love story by Sajid Nadiadwala’s production banner Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment in collaboration with Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari and Nitesh Tiwari’s Earthsky Pictures.
A source revealed, “Bawaal will be the first Indian Film to have its premiere at the Eiffel Tower. The premiere will take place at the exquisite Salle Gustave Eiffel, offering a panoramic view of the city of love as the backdrop. Apart from Varun, Janhvi, Sajid, and Nitesh, the premiere will be attended by movie enthusiasts and French delegates, making it one of the biggest premieres for an Indian film.”
“Bawaal has a symbolic reference to Paris. The makers have extensively shot some of the key portions in Paris, and the city acts like a character in this tale. The film is essentially a love story with references to World War 2 and the makers are ready to premiere the film in the city of love,” the source added.
Director Nitesh Tiwari recently said, “Shot across three Indian locations and five European countries, Bawaal has a captivating storyline, dramatic visuals and absolutely amazing chemistry between the lead talent Varun and Janhvi. I believe that the worldwide premiere on Prime Video will help us take Bawaal to audiences in India and across borders. We have worked with immense passion and commitment to bring this film to our audiences and now we can’t wait to hear their reactions.”