Bollywood heartthrob Varun Dhawan turned 36 on Sunday, and his friends and colleagues from the industry took to social media to wish him a happy birthday. Meanwhile, Varun gave his fans a glimpse of his birthday celebration with his wife Natasha Dalal and friends on Instagram. The actor shared a series of pictures and videos from their beach vacation, including a cake-cutting ceremony, swinging with Natasha, and playing a punching game.
In the pictures, Varun looks dapper in a white shirt and matching pants with a beige hat, while Natasha looks stunning in a white bralette, matching shorts, and a long lilac-coloured shrug layered over it. The last group picture shows Varun, Natasha and their friends posing under a tree decorated with fairy lights.
Several celebrities including Malaika Arora, Armaan Malik, and Nimrat Kaur also commented on Varun’s post and wished him a happy birthday. On the work front, Varun Dhawan will be seen in Nitesh Tiwari’s Bawaal, co-starring Janhvi Kapoor, and the Indian instalment of the series Citadel, alongside Samantha Ruth Prabhu.