Malayalam actor Tovino Thomas is currently basking the success of 2018. The film emerged as one of the biggest blockbusters in the actor’s career. It is based on Kerala Floods. The film, became the highest-earning Malayalam movie worldwide. It was released on May 5.
Post good response from Mollywood, the makers released it in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi after one week of Malayalam release. Now, 2018 is all set to reach your homes and entertain you as the OTT release date has been announced.
The digital rights of Tovino Thomas starrer have been bagged by the OTT platform, Sony LIV. After one month of theatrical release. The film will be available for streaming in Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi. 2018 will be available for streaming on June 7.
A movie that took the box office by storm!
The trailer is out now for 2018. Streaming exclusively on Sony LIV from June 7th #SonyLIV #2018OnSonyLIV #BiggestBlockbuster #BasedOnTrueStory @ttovino #JudeAnthanyJoseph @Aparnabala2 @LalDirector @AjuVarghesee @actorasifali— Sony LIV (@SonyLIV) May 29, 2023
Talking about the film director Jude Anthany Joseph said, “2018: Everyone is a Hero is an homage to the collective experience of the people of Kerala during the 2018 floods and to be able to bring it to the screen and see the kind of love it has been receiving has been a truly fulfilling experience. Through this film, we aimed to commemorate the heroism and courage shown by every individual during the catastrophe. With the film now set to stream on Sony LIV, more and more people get to witness our story and the extraordinary spirit of humanity that helped the state triumph.”