Megastar Shah Rukh Khan has been busy with back-to-back shoots. The actor reportedly met with an accident on the sets of one of his projects in Los Angeles. Reportedly, Shah Rukh underwent surgery in the US. Shah Rukh Khan is now back in India and has been ‘recuperating at home’.
A source told ETimes, “SRK was shooting in Los Angeles for a project and he ended up hurting his nose. He began bleeding and was immediately rushed to a hospital.”
It also added, “His team was informed by the doctors that there was nothing to worry and that King Khan would need to undergo a minor surgery to stop the bleeding. Post the operation, SRK was spotted with a bandage on his nose Shah Rukh Khan is now back in the country, recuperating at home.”
On the work front, SRK will be seen in a never-before-seen avatar and also this marks his first collaboration with filmmaker, Atlee. SRK also has Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki in the pipeline, where he will be seen alongside Taapsee Pannu.