The highly anticipated sci-fi film, “The Immortal Ashwatthama“, has been making headlines ever since it was announced back in 2021. The film was initially supposed to star Vicky Kaushal in the lead role, but it was later reported that he was replaced by Ranveer Singh. Now, as per the latest reports, Jio Studios has dropped Ranveer Singh and is considering casting pan-India superstars for the lead role. Shah Rukh Khan, Jr NTR, and Ram Charan have been approached for the role, and one of them is expected to take on this ambitious project.
The Immortal Ashwatthama will be produced by Jio Studios, with Aditya Dhar as the director. The makers of the film plan to set it on a large budget and aim to deliver a breathtaking experience for the audience. The producers have reportedly decided to increase the film’s budget to over Rs 100 crore. This comes as a surprise as Aditya Dhar has previously emphasized his preference for working within a controlled budget. However, with The Immortal Ashwatthama, he seems to have changed his priorities and is now willing to spend big on this ambitious sci-fi project.
According to reports, Samantha Ruth Prabhu may be roped in as the female lead for The Immortal Ashwatthama. The filming of the movie is expected to begin towards the end of this year. Fans are eagerly waiting for an official announcement on who will play the lead role in this highly anticipated sci-fi film.