Actor Ram Charan was greeted by a sea of fans as he arrived at the Delhi airport on Wednesday after the RRR song Naatu Naatu won the Best Original Song category at the Oscars 2023. In a video shared on social media, Ram Charan can be seen basking in the glory of the win and greeting his fans through the sunroof of his car.
The fans, who were holding RRR flags and flowers, surrounded his car and cheered loudly as he drove past. Naatu Naatu from SS Rajamouli’s RRR beat out tough competition from other songs, including Applause from Tell It Like A Woman, Hold My Hand from Top Gun: Maverick, Lift me Up from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and This Is Life from Everything Everywhere All At Once.
Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter on the Oscars red carpet, Ram Charan expressed his gratitude for the support the song has received from fans across the globe. “As actors when we were shooting, we never thought…but today, it is not our film or our song but it has become people’s song and they have owned it so much across the globe from Japan to USA,” he said.
What an sight it is 🔥
Media, Fans and Loud Cheers To Welcome, Mega Power Star @alwaysRamCharan at Delhi International Airport.
Holding Flag of #RRR, fan waited long for #RamCharan, which just arrived after Super Win of #NaatuNaatu in #Oscars from Los Angeles.
— Ashwani kumar (@BorntobeAshwani) March 17, 2023
Ram Charan will be attending a media summit in Delhi before heading home to Hyderabad, while his co-star Jr NTR returned from the US on March 15. Jr NTR also received a warm welcome from fans at Hyderabad airport, where his wife Lakshmi Pranathi came to receive him. When asked about his best moment from the Oscars 2023, Jr NTR said, “the moment when Keeravani and Chandrabose received the award on stage. That was my best moment.”
Delhi | I am pleased & happy. Thank you, everyone. We are proud of M.M Keeravani, S.S. Rajamouli & Chandrabose. Because of their hard work, we went to the red carpet & brought Oscar for India: Actor Ram Charan arrives at Delhi Airport
— ANI (@ANI) March 17, 2023