Telugu superstar Ram Charan and Bollywood actress Kiara Advani are set to share screen space once again in the upcoming film Game Changer, directed by renowned filmmaker S Shankar. The film’s title was revealed on Ram Charan’s 38th birthday when he took to Twitter to share the link to the title reveal video, captioning it “Game Changer it is!!!!” Director Shankar also wished the actor on his special day and revealed the film’s title in his tweet.
Apart from Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, the film’s cast includes Anjali, Samuthirakani, S J Surya, Srikanth, and Sunil. Notably, S Thaman is composing the music for the film.
Happy birthday to the worldwide charmer @AlwaysRamCharan being fierce and daring on screen and a darling off screen makes you a #gamechanger @SVC_official @advani_kiara @MusicThaman @DOP_Tirru
— Shankar Shanmugham (@shankarshanmugh) March 27, 2023
Ram Charan recently celebrated his pre-birthday on the sets of Game Changer along with Kiara and the rest of the team. After wrapping up a song sequence, the team threw a special birthday bash for the actor. Ram Charan looked dapper in a light blue shirt paired with white pants, while Kiara looked gorgeous in a white sleeveless top with denim jeans. The team had a great time, and pictures from the celebration have been making rounds on social media.
This will be the second time Ram Charan and Kiara Advani will be sharing screen space after their appearance in the 2019 film Vinaya Vidheya Rama, which also starred Vivek Oberoi. Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Game Changer, which promises to be a thrilling cinematic experience.
Game Changer it is!!!! @SVC_official @advani_kiara @DOP_Tirru @MusicThaman #GameChanger
— Ram Charan (@AlwaysRamCharan) March 27, 2023