Mani Ratnam directorial PS1 and 2 were a huge hit. Now, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has launched a series of searches at the premises of LYCA Productions, on Tuesday. It is known for producing box-office hits like Ponniyin Selvan 1 and 2, the production house finds itself under scrutiny as the central probe agency has registered a money laundering case against it.
Reportedly, the search is taking place at approximately eight locations in the capital city, mark a significant development in the investigation. The ED’s move comes as part of their efforts to uncover any potential irregularities or unlawful financial transactions associated with the production house.
Details regarding the specific nature of the alleged money laundering case and any significant findings are yet to be revealed. The authorities remain tight-lipped about the ongoing investigation to preserve its integrity and prevent any potential interference.
Ponniyin Selvan 1 had emerged as the highest Tamil grosser last year, the film had grossed more than Rs 500 crore. The film features an ensemble cast including Aishwarya Rai, Vikram, Karthi, Jayamravi, Trisha, among others. The second part of the film earned around Rs. 300 crores.