The anticipation for Pawan Kalyan‘s upcoming film, Bro, continues to grow as the makers recently unveiled a captivating motion poster. The Power Star’s fashionable look in the poster has caught the attention of movie buffs, who were particularly intrigued by the sneakers he was wearing. Reports reveal that the BALMAIN Unisex Street Style Plain Leather Logo Sneakers worn by Pawan Kalyan in the poster are priced at around Rs 1.39 lakh. Fans couldn’t help but admire the actor’s style, as he posed alongside his nephew Sai Dharam Tej next to a bike, both exuding rugged charm in casual attire.
Bro is an official Telugu remake of the Tamil drama Vinodhaya Sitham and is directed by Samuthirakani, who also helmed the original film. Pawan Kalyan takes on the role of God, portrayed by Samuthirakani in the original. The film stars Ketika Sharma and Priya Prakash Varrier as the female leads, along with an ensemble cast including Rohini, Brahmanandam, Subbaraju, Rajeswari Nair, Raja, Tanikella Bharani, Vennela Kishore, Prudhvi Raj, Narra Srinu, Yuva Lakshmi, Devika, Ali Reza, and Surya Srinivas.
Produced by TG Vishwa Prasad under the banner of People Media Factory in association with Zee Studios, the screenplay and dialogues for Bro have been penned by renowned filmmaker Trivikram. The music for the film is composed by the talented S Thaman. Bro is scheduled to hit the theatres on July 28, raising excitement among fans.
Apart from Bro, Pawan Kalyan has also committed to starring in director Krish Jagarlamudi’s action-adventure drama Hari Hara Veera Mallu. Additionally, he is set to feature in Harish Shankar’s Ustaad Bhagat Singh. The actor has also teamed up with director Sujeeth, known for the film Sahoo, for his next project titled OG.
As fans eagerly await the release of Bro and Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming ventures, the Power Star continues to captivate audiences with his style and diverse choice of films.
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