Tollywood actor Naga Chaitanya was last seen in Custody which didn’t perform well at the box office. Now, the actor in the headlines for the rumours of doing the South remake of the blockbuster Hindi film Bhool Bhulaiya 2. Here’s what the team of Naga Chaitanya had to say.
The team took to Twitter and reacted to the rumours of him starring in the South remake of Bhool Bhulaiya 2 along with Jyothika. They wrote on Twitter, “FACT CHECK: The news which is being circulated regarding Chay doing the remake of #BhoolBhulaiyaa2 is completely false. – Team Naga Chaitanya”.
Producer KE Gnanavel Raja recently confirmed to Free Press Journal that he has bought the rights to the 2022 Hindi film. He said to DNA, “I have purchased the South remake rights of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2. However, we will spin the story a little bit as per the taste of the South Indian audiences, especially the Tamil/Telugu audiences. Most of the story remains unchanged.”
The Hindi film, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 featured Kartik Aaryan, Kiara Advani, and Tabu in the lead roles, which was directed by Anees Bazmi, became a huge blockbuster at the box office.