Keerthy Suresh, the renowned actress who has captured the hearts of millions with her stellar performances, is all set to make her mark in Bollywood with her upcoming film “Baby Jaan.”
The film, directed by Kali, promises to be a thrilling, action-packed entertainer currently being filmed rapidly. Keerthy, who plays a pivotal role in the movie alongside Varun Dhawan, is actively involved in the film’s fresh schedule.
She has been sharing updates on social media and recently posted a video titled ‘Baby Keerthi on Baby Jaan Sets’, which showcases her vibrant energy on set. Her enthusiasm hints at her joy of entering Bollywood and making a name for herself in the industry.
However, the film’s release, initially slated for May 31st, might be delayed due to several factors. Despite this, fans eagerly await Keerthy’s Bollywood debut and are excited to see what she has in store for them. Keerthy is juggling multiple projects in Tamil, which is a testament to her versatility and dedication to her craft.