Nikhil Siddharta has been busy with various projects. The makers of Telugu star Nikhil Siddhartha’s 20th movie, ‘Swayambhu’, released its first look on the actor’s birthday on Thursday. The pre-look poster was also released earlier.
The film is directed by Bharat Krishnamachari and produced by Bhuvan and Sreekar under the Pixel Studios banner, with Tagore Madhu presenting it. The film be made on hude scale, touted as a historical drama, the shoot will start in August 2023.
‘Swayambhu’ means self-born or ‘the one that is created of its own accord’. The first-look poster presents Nikhil as a ferocious warrior on the battlefield. Sporting long hair and a grimace, he is seen riding a horse with a spear in one hand and a shield in the other. Reportedly, It is said to be the most expensive movie in Nikhil’s career. The cinematography is by Manoj Paramahamsa, music from Ravi Basrur and dialogues by Vasudev Muneppagari.
Thrilled to be Working with some of India's Top Most Technicians Dop Manoj Paramahamsa Sir, Music dir Ravi Basrur, Production Designer M Prabhaharan Sir.
And off course getting back with my Producer @TagoreMadhu garu @bhuvan_sagar
Here is the Motion Poster #Swayambhu
Directed…— Nikhil Siddhartha (@actor_Nikhil) June 2, 2023
For the unversed, Nikhil’s upcoming new release will be ‘Spy’, centred around the disappearance of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.