Kollywood actor Dhruv Vikram has joined hands with director Mari Selvaraj for his upcoming film. The yet-to-be-to-be-titled film is a biopic of a kabaddi player named Manathi Ganesan. This will be Dhruv’s forth film as an actor.
Filmmaker Mari said that the film is based on a Kabaddi player named Manathi Ganesan. He said, “He is an Arjuna Awardee and a very close relative. I always wanted to feature his story.”
Couple of day back, Dhruv took to Instagram and shared a pic flaunting his chiseled body. He captioned the post, ‘Prep’. Dhruv Vikram has begun prep for the character. He is undertaking training for the role.
The film is said to be bankrolled by Pa Ranjith’s Neelam Production. The shoot is expected to begin in August. Currently, the production work on the film is going on at a brisk phase.
For the unversed, Mari Selvaraj is currently busy working on the post-production work of Maamannan featuring Udhayanidhi, Keerthy Suresh, Fahadh Faasil, and Vadivelu in main roles.