Hyderabad: In a heated exchange, the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) and the Congress-led Telangana government have clashed over Chief Minister Revanth Reddy’s performance and state governance in 2024. The BRS working president, K.T. Rama Rao (KTR), accused the Congress government of “Deception, Destruction & Distraction” in a tweet. He criticised the Congress leadership for not fulfilling promises made to the people of Telangana during the elections. KTR stated that the BRS would hold Congress accountable for “420 promises,” which he claims show the party’s dishonesty. He also mentioned that the BRS will continue to point out the flaws in Congress’s governance as the 2025 elections approach.
Deception, Destruction & Distraction –
3D summary of Congress Governance in 2024
However hard they try, in 2025 we will stay focused and continue to hold them accountable on the 420 promises they made to the people of Telangana #CongressFailedTelangana
— KTR (@KTRBRS) December 31, 2024
Sriram Karri, the Director of Communications for the Telangana Government, responded to KTR’s criticism with a more positive view. He used ‘X’ to share Revanth Reddy’s first year in office achievements. He described the government’s actions using the themes: “Robust Recovery, Resolute Rising, Restrained Resilience, Refreshing Rejuvenation, and Remarkable Renaissance.” Karri highlighted these qualities as key aspects of Reddy’s leadership, showing how the state has overcome challenges from the pandemic and other issues. His tweet aimed to show that the Congress government is actively creating change and revitalising Telangana.
The argument between KTR and Karri highlights the growing political divide in Telangana as both parties prepare for the 2025 elections. The BRS, which has governed the state for almost ten years under K. Chandrashekar Rao (KCR), aims to make the Congress government answerable for its promises. They present it as ineffective and unable to meet its commitments.
Under Revanth Reddy’s leadership, Congress wants to change the political story in the state. They focus on the reforms and progress they claim to have achieved in their first year. This situation shows the rising tension between Congress and the BRS as they compete to control Telangana’s future. The BRS plans to keep Congress under pressure by reminding voters of its unkept promises. Meanwhile, Congress aims to be seen as the party of change, renewal, and growth, with Revanth Reddy leading this effort.
What marked the first year of Chief Minister Revanth Reddy’s govt? Some Rs to make the point…
1. Robust Recovery,
2. Resolute Rising,
3. Restrained Resilience,
4. Refreshing Rejuvenation,
5. Remarkable Renaissance.TelanganaRising @revanth_anumula pic.twitter.com/ObLrOV5XaM
— Sriram Karri (@oratorgreat) December 31, 2024
The tweets from both political parties show a larger struggle for influence and legitimacy in Telangana politics, preparing for an intense election season in 2025. Both parties are increasing their political messages, indicating that next year will involve more campaigning and public attention as they try to shape the state’s future. The people of Telangana will ultimately decide if Congress’s claims of renewal and progress resonate or if the BRS can maintain its influence by highlighting what it calls the Congress government’s failures.