Actor Allu Arjun Granted Bail in Pushpa 2 Premiere Stampede Case by Nampally Court. The actor was booked in connection with the death of a woman at Sandhya Theatre during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule on December 4. His lawyer addressed the media following the court’s verdict on Friday.
The II Additional Metropolitan Sessions Judge reserved the order for Friday after hearing arguments from both Allu Arjun’s lawyers and the police. Following the hearing, Allu Arjun’s advocate, Ashok Reddy, addressed the media and confirmed that the court had instructed the actor to provide two sureties, with each suriety required to execute a bond of ₹50,000.
In a recent video circulating on social media, Ashok Reddy, Allu Arjun’s lawyer, stated, “Conditions have been imposed, and he is required to attend the police station. Not every day, but every Sunday, which is a standard condition for all accused. The court was convinced that this is not a case of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, and thus granted bail.”
Reddy also informed the press that the quash petition is still pending in the Telangana High Court. “We will continue to pursue the quash petition there. We remain hopeful, and the next hearing is scheduled for January 21,” he added.
#WATCH | Hyderabad, Telangana: Actor Allu Arjun's lawyer Ashok Reddy says, "The conditions have been imposed that he (Allu Arjun) has to attend the police station. Bail has been granted (to Allu Arjun)…The court was convinced that this was not a case of culpable homicide not…
— ANI (@ANI) January 3, 2025