Rajinikanth starrer Jailer, directed by Nelson Dilipkumar is one of the most awaited Tamil films of 2023. The shooting of Rajinikanth’s upcoming project is going on in full swing. The film has been the talk of the town since its inception and more than anything, the cast and crew for the Rajinikanth starrer has got us all excited. The latest addition to the cast of the film is Tamannaah Bhatia. According to our sources, Tamannaah completed a 2-day schedule of the film recently in Hyderabad.
“Tamannaah Bhatia is juggling between the shoot of two films-Jailer and Bandra co-starring Malayalam actor Dileep. After wrapping the 2-day shoot of Jailer, she headed to Kochi for Malayalam film Bandra’s new schedule shoot. She will then join Rajinikanth and the team of Jailer in Chennai for one day shoot followed by another scheduled in March-April,” reveals a source close to the development.
Expressing her happiness about being a part of such mega projects, Tamannaah recently said, “Having a busy year is just a blessing. I’m just switching from one character to another with the tedious schedules. While it can be exhausting at some point, it’s extremely fulfilling as there are people out there eagerly waiting to see me on the big screen & this is what makes me love my work more & work harder.”
With projects like Amazon Prime’s Jee Karda, Netflix’s Lust Stories, Chiranjeevi’s Bhola Shankar, Jailer, and many more, we will be seeing Tamannaah Bhatia in roles that are poles apart from each other.
Talking about Jailer, it is an upcoming Tamil action comedy that also has Mohanlal and Shiva Rajkumar in important roles. Mohanlal recently joined Rajinikanth in the Hyderabad schedule.
Produced by Kalanithi Maran under the Sun Pictures banner, Jailer has music by Anirudh Ravichander. Jailer is expected to hit the big theatres in 2023 summer. The star cast of the film is getting bigger and better. Ramya Krishnan, Vinayakan, Yogi Babu, and Vasanth Ravi are also a part of the much-awaited Tamil film.
Vijay Karthik Kannan is handling the camera while Stun Siva is taking care of the stunts for Jailer.