Actor Karthi on Tuesday took to Twitter to share a heartfelt post to congratulate his brother Suriya on completing 25 years in the industry. Karthi also shared an childhood photo of them. In his post, he wrote that Suriya only focused on outperforming his own achievements. Suriya made his acting debut with the 1997 Tamil film Nerukku Ner. He was last seen in Tamil action-drama Etharkkum Thunindhavan.
In his tweet, Karthi wrote: “He worked day & night to make his every minus into his greatest plus. He focused only at outperforming his own achievements. As a person, he made his already generous heart even larger and shaped the lives of thousands of deserving kids. That’s my brother! (sic).”
In the comments section, fans praised the bond the brothers share. Most fans described the picture as “cute”. One fan wrote: “That selfless heart that lifts up ,encourages and stands for deserves more (sic).”
Suriya was recently seen playing an important cameo in Kamal Haasan’s latest release, Vikram. He played a character called Rolex. He is also making his entry in Bollywood as a producer as his company 2D Entertainment will be producing the Hindi remake of Soorarai Pottru, with Akshay Kumar in the lead opposite Bhumi Pednekar. It was recently revealed that the actor also has a cameo in the Hindi version, which remains untitled.
It was for his performance in Soorarai Pottru, Suriya won the National award which was announced recently. The film was based on the life of Captain GR Gopinath – founder of the budget airline Air Deccan, Suriya also awaits the release of his upcoming Tamil films – Vaadivasal and a project with filmmaker Bala.