The 10th edition of South Indian International Awards (SIIMA) took place in Bengaluru on Saturday, where the winners for Telugu and Kannada cinema were announced. The event is happening across two days and covers four film industries from South – Kannada, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam. Allu Arjun, Kamal Haasan and Yash looked dapper as they arrived at SIIMA 2022 red carpet. Ranveer Singh was also spotted receiving an award on stage. Actors like Silambarasan TR, Arvind Swamy and Hansika Motwani also graced the SIIMA Awards hosted in Bengaluru. Winning the Best Actor Awards for Malayalam and Tamil, Tovino Thomas and Simbu (Silambarasan TR) grabbed the coveted trophies for the films Minnal Murali and Maanaadu Apart from the regular awards in the Tamil and Malayalam film industries, SIIMA announced special awards in two new categories. The decade of Excellence in South Indian Cinema was given to Hansika Motwani.
Apart from her acting, Hansika is known for her incredible sense of style. She consistently has on-point style, whether it is for red carpet appearances or trip look-books, and in a stunning sheer gown with sequined accents, she once again brought to the grandeur and splendour of the tenth edition of SIIMA. Her dress has a scoop neckline and a thigh-high slit, which give it a sensuous look. She finished off her appearance with mascara-coated eyelashes, light makeup, filled-in eyebrows, and open, curly hair. She chose transparent heels for the feet. Overall, Hansika Motwani’s latest ensemble made for a pretty sight.
Hansika also shared a photo of herself with the award on Instagram, along with a note of gratitude that read, “I am deeply grateful for this priceless recognition.( DECADE OF EXCELLENCE). I thank my mom, family, friends, and well-wishers from the industry, who have helped me, reach this lovely milestone of 10 years. I thank the vast number of great friends – My Fans, who have been a strong pillar in shaping my career with appreciation and constructive criticisms, which helped me to elevate myself as a better actor. And this lovely honour! I see this as a ‘Baton’ in the Relay Race rather than a trophy, which is awarded at end of the race. I will continue to run, giving my best from heart and soul and deliver more good performances and movies. Love you all!!!#seeyouatthovies ❤️”
Meanwhile, on the work front, Hansika was last seen in Maha, which marked her 50th film. Hansika will be next seen in Partner, 105 Minutes, My Name Is Shruthi and Rowdy Baby.