Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s dance number “Oo Antava Oo Oo Antava” from the Telugu blockbuster Pushpa The Rise received immense praise. However, the actor revealed that her friends, family, and well-wishers were against her decision to do the song, as it was offered to her just after her separation from her former husband, Naga Chaitanya.
In October 2021, Naga Chaitanya and Samantha Ruth Prabhu took to social media to announce their separation. During the promotions of Shaakuntalam, Samantha revealed in an interview with Miss Malini that she was not going to sit at home after her separation, as she didn’t do anything wrong. She said that when she was offered “Oo Antava,” it was in the middle of the separation from Naga. Every well-wisher and family member advised her not to do the song, but she was determined to take the opportunity.
Samantha further explained that she was not going to hide like someone who committed a crime, and she was not going to wait for all of the trolling, abuse, and hate to go away. She gave her marriage 100%, but it didn’t work out, and she was not going to feel guilty for something she didn’t do.
The song was an opportunity for Samantha to do something new, and she loved the lyrics and the way it was positioned. She looked at it as another character, not as an item number. She also appreciated Allu Arjun’s help during the shoot, as she did not want to give the song a stereotypical treatment of an item song.
In conclusion, Samantha’s decision to do “Oo Antava” despite her separation from Naga was driven by her desire to explore new roles and not feel guilty for something she didn’t do.