Samanth Prabhu has left fans in shock after she revealed she has been battling with myositis. Samantha has opened up on her Instagram about her health issue after being away from social media handles for months. She posted, “Your response to the Yashodha Trailer was overwhelming. It is this love and connection that I share with all of you, that gives me the strength to deal with the seemingly unending challenges that life throws at me. A few months back I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition called Myositis. I was hoping to share this after it had gone into remission. But it is taking a little longer than I hoped. I am slowly realising that we don’t always need to put up a strong front. Accepting this vulnerability is something that I am still struggling with. The doctors are confident that I will make a complete recovery very soon. I have had good days and bad days…. physically and emotionally…. and even when it feels like I can’t handle one more day of this, somehow that moment passes. I guess it can only mean that I am one more day closer to recovery. I love you.. THIS TOO SHALL PASS”. Many Tollywood and Bollywood celebrities wished her a speedy recovery. Akkineni Akhil brother of Samantha’s ex-husband Naga Chaitanya also wished her to get well soon.
There is speculation that Akkineni Nagarjuna is planning to meet Samantha in person following her diagnosis with myositis. Based on this speculation, here is the buzz doing the rounds on social media Naga Chaitanya called Samantha and spoke about her health issue. By this rumour, Naga Chaitanya and Samantha fans are happy, and they wish the two would patch up. In a few interviews, Naga Chaitanya openly said that he is not angry with Sam over their breakup.