RRR and Baahubali writer KV Vijayendra Prasad gave a masterclass on film writing at the ongoing 53rd International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa on Monday. The filmmaker not just confirmed working on the story of RRR 2 but also shared the process that goes behind in writing stories that cater to all from the director, producer, primary protagonist to the audience. He said story writing is to tell the perfect lie.
RRR was a fictional story of two real-life Indian revolutionaries, Alluri Sitarama Raju (Ram Charan) and Komaram Bheem (Jr NTR). Talking about his writing process, KV Vijayendra Prasad said at the event, “I don’t write stories, I steal stories. Stories are there around you, be it epics like Mahabharat, Ramayan or real life incidences, there are stories everywhere. You need to represent it in your unique style.”
KV Vijayendra Prasad also confirmed working on RRR 2 and revealed that he has “cracked the sequel’s premise”, as reported by Pinkvilla.
Speaking about what actually drives him to write such successful stories, he said, “The pursuit to create hunger among audience for your story kicks off creativity within you. I always try to create hunger within audience for my story and characters and that drives me to create something unique and appealing”
He further said, “You have to create something out of nothing. You have to present a lie, which looks like truth. A person who can tell a good lie can be a good story-teller.” He also asked budding storytellers to “be your own harshest critics” which “can take your work to unscalable heights”.
“I don’t write, I dictate stories. I have everything in my mind; the flow of the story, the characters, the twists,” he said about writing RRR and Baahubali.