Rashmika Mandanna is making us drool like anything. The actor shared a fresh set of pictures from one of her recent fashion photoshoots on her Instagram profiler and gave us all kinds of goals. The actor dropped major cues of ethnic fashion for her fans to follow as she decked up in a bright red lehenga and slayed fashion goals. Rashmika is an absolute fashionista and can make any attire look better with her personalised sass and style. The actor keeps making her fans swoon with snippets from her best-dressed diaries. From casual ensembles to ethnic attires to six yards of grace and formal outfits, Rashmika can do it all.
Rashmika, a day back, made our weekend better as she shared a few glimpses from her photoshoot in the ethnic attire. Rashmika, for the weekend, chose a super stylish ethnic attire and decked up in it. The actor played muse to fashion designer house Mishru and picked a red lehenga from the shelves of the designer house. The actor decked up in a slip red blouse with red zari and sequin details. She further teamed it with a long flowy red skirt with red zari details. Rashmika further added more oomph to her look with a red satin dupatta with red zari patterns at the borders. “Let’s slowly start getting back to business now,” Rashmika captioned her pictures.
Rashmika further accessorised her look for the day in silver oxidised bangles from the house of Amrapali Jewels. Styled by fashion stylist Lakshmi Lehr, Rashmika wore her tresses open in wavy curls with a side part as she posed for the cameras. The actor opted for a minimal makeup look to complement her attire for the day. Assisted by makeup artist Mehak Oberoi, Rashmika decked up in nude eyeshadow, black eyeliner, black kohl, mascara-laden eyelashes, drawn eyebrows, contoured cheeks, a shade of bright red lipstick, and a small black bindi.