Pushpa: The Rise had taken India by storm with rock-solid performances by Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna. Now, all the eyes are on Pushpa: The Rule, the second part of Sukumar directorial. While the makers have guaranteed the film is going to be bigger and grander, Pinkvilla has exclusively learned, Allu Arjun is set to leave for the first schedule of the film in Bangkok on November 13.
“The first schedule of Pushpa 2 will take place outside India. AA is heading to Bangkok on November 13 to shoot some intense fight sequences in forest areas of Bangkok. This is going to be a 15-day long schedule and after he returns, he will soon begin with the promotions of Pushpa part 1 in Russia, but he is yet to lock dates for the same,” reveals a source close to the development.
Allu Arjun is literally leaving no stone unturned to get into the skin of his character for Pushpa, Part 2. While he will straight away dive into the Pushpa: The Rise promotions in Russia, the makers are planning to release the first teaser look poster of AA for Pushpa: The Rule somewhere in November.
“Bunny recently shot for teaser poster with cinematographer Miroslaw Kuba Brozek at a studio in Hyderabad. The team is working on the same and plans to unveil a teaser look in the last week of November. However, they are yet to fix a date,” adds the source.
Songs like Oo Antava Oo Antava, Srivalli and Saami Saami became blockbuster songs and managed to build up the hype for the film’s first part. Pushpa: The Rise was released on 17 December 2021. Now, it remains to see what’s next in store for us.
The first of two cinematic parts depicts the rise of a low-wage labourer in the smuggling syndicate of red sandalwood.
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun is heading to South Africa today, November 8 to attend a close friend’s wedding.