Sivakarthikeyan will be seen next in an upcoming bilingual film titled Prince, directed by KV Anudeep. As per the latest update, it’s a wrap-up for the film. The makers took to social media and shared a few group pics from the sets as they announced the pack up of the shoot. The pics show Sivakarthikeyan posing with the director, lead actress Maria Riaboshapka and the team.
The makers took to Twitter and wrote, “#Prince wrapped up with a song shoot. Meet you all in theatres this Diwali.”
Recently, the second single from Sivakarthikeyan’s upcoming bilingual Prince was released recently. The single titled Jessica has lyrics by Therukural Arivu and has been sung by the film’s composer S Thaman. The video, which was released recently, has Sivakarthikeyan dancing in gay abandon in Pondicherry.
Prince will release in Telugu and Tamil and will also mark the debut of Sivakarthikeyan in Tollywood. Billed to be an out-and-out family entertainer, Narayan Das Narang, Suniel Narang, Puskur Ram Mohan Rao, and Suresh Babu are jointly bankrolling the movie under their banners of Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP, Suresh Productions and Shanthi Talkies. The film’s story is set against the backdrops of Pondicherry in India and London in the United Kingdom.
In addition to this, Sivakarthikeyan will also star in Rajkumar Periaswamy’s next named SK21 for now. Bankrolled by Kamal Haasan’s home banner Raj Films in association with Sony Pictures Films India, Shyam Singha Roy actress Sai Pallavi is on board the project as the leading lady.
Apart from this, Sivakarthikeyan has further announced his bilingual film Maaveeran, along with director Madonne Ashwin. Filmmaker S Shankar’s daughter Aditi Shankar will be the female lead in the flick.