The awards season has begun, bringing together the biggest names in Bollywood under one roof. On February 26, 2023, in Mumbai, another red-carpet event was attended by several Bollywood and South celebrities. Major massive wheels were seen floating down the red carpet in the height of style. Pooja Hegde chose a metallic two-piece ensemble, while Rashmika Mandanna wore a short black lace dress that garnered plenty of attention. When the diva made her outstanding debut, Pooja Hegde’s closet selections and clothing experimentation have become the talk of the town. We continue to be completely in awe of Pooja’s appearance. The diva has always managed to look great, whether it be on the red carpet or even on vacation.
Not everyone has what it takes to put together the ideal glam appearance, but actress Pooja Hegde surely knows how to dress well. The actress has always been at the top of the fashion game, from her amazing beach style to her red-carpet designs. She always seems to be flawlessly attired, and this time she is lighting up the internet while shining brightly in a metallic toned outfit. The actress is undoubtedly turning heads while dressed in a golden silhouette. We adore how she adds a distinctive touch to each outfit she wears. Pooja Hegde chose a metallic two-piece ensemble with a corset-style, wide plunging neckline blouse and a thigh-high asymmetric hem for the red-carpet event. She finished the look with open damp hair, dark eye makeup, and a neutral lip colour. Pooja made the decision to forego accessories and let her dress speak for itself.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Pooja will be next seen in Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan opposite Salman Khan. She also has SSMB 28 with Mahesh Babu in pipeline.