Pooja Hegde set the Instagram on fire on Thursday as she dropped some stunning pictures of her in a golden-coloured sari. Wearing the brand Raw Mango, the ‘Buttabomma’ star complemented her sari with a contrast blue sleeveless blouse. The actor, who was styled by celebrity stylist Tanya Ghavri, pulled her hair back in a messy floral bun and accessorised her look with huge earrings, bangles, and a bindi.
Pooja is currently promoting her upcoming film ‘Cirkus’ with Ranveer Singh. From appearing on reality shows to touring cities, promotions are in full swing for the star cast of the film. “देसी > everything else #cirkus (sic),” she captioned the photos. “Just you being breathtakingly beautiful yet again,” commented an Instagram user. “Wow. Beautiful,” wrote another.
The Rohit Shetty-directorial ‘Cirkus’ also stars Jacqueline Fernandez and is set to release on December 23 ahead of Christmas.
Pooja also has ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’ opposite Salman Khan and ‘SSMB28’ with Mahesh Babu. Recently, rumours of Pooja dating Salman began doing the rounds on social media. A close friend of Salman slammed such reports and said that it was shameful of people to link Salman with Pooja, who could be his daughter’s age.