A few days ago, social media posts of Nithya Menen and Parvathy Thiruvothu went viral when they shared pregnancy kit photos and left the netizens wondering if they are expecting. Turns out, it was all for social media promotions of an upcoming movie titled Wonder Women, helmed by Anjali Menon.
Recently, the star cast of the film Wonder Women took to their social media with a picture of a positive pregnancy kit. A pacifier for toddlers was also seen in this picture! Now, the promoters of the upcoming film Wonder Women also got the actors to post interesting videos on their social media that ended up with netizens chattering away the pregnancy blues. Nithya Menen took to Instagram to announce that she’s expecting. She says she tested 4 times, and they were all positive! An excited Nithya can be seen saying in the video, “Expect the unexpected, because we’re expecting.”
Similarly, Parvathy Thiruvothu has also posted a hilarious video where she’s seen asking her phone, “Hey Siri, how reliable are pregnancy kits,” to which the phone is quick to retort, “It depends on what you’re relying for.” She goes on to ask, “Hey Siri, is it difficult to bring up a child by yourself?” which was instantly met with a quippy reply, “A child can climb stairs by the age of 4 but some can be trained to do it earlier.” A tense Parvathy is quick to tell Siri to shut up!
Padmapriya Janakiraman also took to social media where she is calling her Akka to inform her of the great news. Amruta Subhash, Sayanora Phillip and Archana Padmini also took to Instagram with these videos.
Written and directed by Anjali Menon, Wonder Women comprises an ensemble cast of Nithya Menen, Parvathy Thiruvothu, Padmapriya Janakiraman, Sayonara Philip, Archana Padmini and Amruta Subhash. A RSVP and Flying Unicorn Entertainment presentation, the film is produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Ashi Dua Sara. Wonder Women will stream exclusively on Sony LIV.