Naga Chaitanya is presently busy with director Venkat Prabhu’s Kollywood film tentatively titled NC22. With Krithi Shetty as the leading lady, the shooting of this yet-to-be-titled movie is taking place in Melukote village of Mandya district in Karnataka. However, the project has landed in controversy. A massive set has been erected in the village, and some portions of the movie will be shot there.
Now, the latest reports about the film suggest that the villagers are upset over the shooting as there is a Raya Gopura temple next to the shooting location. Since the devotees come to the temple regularly to worship, they are facing trouble because of the setting up of a bar and dance in front of the temple. As per reports, the NC22 makers took permission from Mandya DC Ashwini to shoot at this location; however, the permission was granted only for two days.
Going by the reports, Naga Chaitanya was present on the set when villagers attacked the film unit. The villagers are insisting on an action against the team. There has been no official statement on the matter.
On the other hand, during an exclusive interview with Pinkvillla, Krithi Shetty opened up about working with Naga Chaitanya for the second time after Bangarraju, “We will be starting the shoot next month probably. I’m extremely excited to work with him because now that we have already worked together and I know how chill it is to work with him, I’m definitely looking forward to it. Plus, people have also seemed to like our pair quite a bit…I think we should give the people another nice film.”