Mohanlal and Jeethu Joseph, one of the most celebrated actor-director duos of Malayalam cinema, are joining hands for the upcoming project Ram. The movie, which is touted to be a realistic action thriller, marks the superstar’s fourth collaboration with the hitmaker, after the highly successful Drishyam, Drishyam 2, and the recently released OTT film 12th Man. Ram, which originally started rolling in 2020, was delayed multiple times due to the pandemic. The project was later put on the back burner for over two years.
As per the latest updates, Mohanlal and director Jeethu Joseph have finally wrapped up the London schedule of Ram. The actor-director duo shot the film in the capital of Britain in an extensive schedule, which lasted for over a month. The makers are now planning to proceed with the shooting in other parts of the United Kingdom, before returning to Kerala. If the reports are to be believed, the pending foreign portions of the film will be wrapped up by the end of October.
After wrapping up the entire UK schedule of Ram, director Jeethu Joseph and his team are planning to film the pending portions of the film in the Ernakulam district of Kerala. However, the next Kerala schedule of the Mohanlal starrer will go on floors only after a short schedule break. The team is expected to officially announce a new update, once the UK schedule is wrapped up.
The much-awaited movie reportedly revolves around a series of murders that happen in various parts of the world. Mohanlal is playing the titular character Ram Mohan IPS, an Indian RAW agent, who leads the investigation team. Trisha Krishnan, the popular South Indian actress is appearing as the female lead in the movie. As per the reports, Trisha is playing the role of Dr. Vineetha, the wife of Ram Mohan, in the movie.
Ram also features an extensive star cast including Indrajith Sukumaran, Bollywood actor Adil Hussain, Samyukta Menon, and others in pivotal roles. The Mohanlal starrer, which is being made in two parts, will get a pan-Indian release in five languages including Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, and Kannada