Mahesh Babu and his family are going through a tough time currently, after the demise of his mother Ghattamaneni Indira Devi. The Telugu superstar’s mother breathed her last in Hyderabad, on September 28, Wednesday, following a prolonged illness. As per the reports, the 70-year-old, who was the wife of superstar Krishna, was undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Hyderabad for the last few weeks. After performing his mother’s final rites, Mahesh Babu took to his official Instagram handle and dropped a heart-touching post.
Later, Mahesh Babu’s wife and former actress Namrata Shirodkar remembered her beloved mother-in-law with a loving post on her Instagram. Namrata shared a throwback picture of Indira Devi and wrote: “We will miss you deeply… You’re in my memory and all the love you gave me. I will shower on your son and your grandchildren and more… We love you, mummy… Sending you endless love and light.” For the uninitiated, Namrata shared a strong bond with her mother-in-law and has often stated that she is the most loving and nurturing person she knows.
Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar’s family members and close friends offered condolences, on the former actress’s Instagram post. “Rest In Peace Aunty. Will always remember you and your kindness,” commented Namrata’s elder sister and actress Shilpa Shirodkar. “So sorry for your loss,” commented famous designer Nandita Mahtani. “So sorry for your loss Chinoo,” commented Deanne Panday.
Ghattamaneni Indira Devi is survived by her husband, superstar Krishna, son Mahesh Babu, and daughters, Padmavati Ghattamaneni, Manjula Ghattamaneni, and Priyadarshini Ghattamaneni. Her eldest son Ghattamaneni Ramesh Babu, who was an actor and film producer, passed away in January this year due to a liver-related illness. Indira Devi’s final rites were performed by her son Mahesh Babu at Mahaprasthan, Hyderabad, on September 28, Wednesday.