Prime Video today announced the exclusive worldwide digital premiere of the Kannada blockbuster Kantara. Produced under the banner of Hombale Films by Vijay Kiragandur, the action-adventure is written and directed by Rishab Shetty, who also acts in the movie alongside Sapthami Gowda, Kishore Kumar G. and Achyuth Kumar in the pivotal roles. After winning audiences’ hearts in theatres, viewers can now enjoy the widely-loved film from their homes from November 24, 2022.
The story of Kantara is set around a small community living in the woodlands of Kaadubettu in the southern coastal state of Karnataka. Weaving an interesting plot of human versus nature conflict, where death leads to war between villagers and evil forces and Shiva, a rebel defends his village and nature.
On the digital release of Kantara, writer, director, and actor Rishab Shetty shared, “Audiences from all corners of the country have showered immense love on Kantara and I am extremely excited that with its global digital premiere on Prime Video we will be able to take our labour of love and hard work to a wider audience worldwide. It is a story that has universal appeal but the plot’s local flavour will keep viewers intrigued until the very end!”