Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck tied the knot for the second time last month at the actor’s Georgia estate after their impromptu wedding in Las Vegas. Sharing photos from her Georgia wedding for the first time, Lopez revealed all the details from the ceremony as she expressed her happiness and described it as the perfect moment in their life.
Lopez and Affleck got married in a lavish ceremony on August 20 in front of their friends and family at the Oscar-winning actor’s 87-acre compound on Hampton Island Preserve. In her latest newsletter addressed to her fans, Lopez detailed the three-day celebration including stunning photos of the couple as they walked down the aisle and enjoyed other events such as a brunch on the morning after.
Describing their wedding as “heaven”, Lopez wrote, “The truth is everyone’s story is different and we all have our paths to travel. No two people are the same. But for us, this was perfect timing. Nothing ever felt more right to me, and I knew we were finally “settling down” in a way you can only do when you understand loss and joy and you are battle tested enough to never take the important things for granted or let the silly insignificant nuisances of the day get in the way of embracing every precious moment.”
The singer also revealed the words that Ben quipped during his wedding speech, which happened to be a line he wrote for Live By Night, which says, “This is heaven. Right Here. We’re in it now.”