Celebrating Nandamuri Balakrishna’s illustrious 50-year journey in cinema, the Telugu film industry is set to host a grand Golden Jubilee event. Scheduled for September 1st at Hyderabad’s Hitex Novotel Hotel, the event is organized by Shreyas Media, with Suchir India Kiran as the main sponsor and Sai Priya Constructions as associate sponsors.
Addressing concerns over invitations, the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce clarified during a recent press meet that invitations were distributed digitally to all industry members via union channels. Emphasizing the inclusive nature of the event, Damodar Prasad, Secretary of the Film Chamber, highlighted the participation of artists, technicians, producers, directors, and dignitaries from the Telugu states and the central government.
Expressing gratitude for their involvement, sponsor Kiran described the celebration as a historic tribute to Balakrishna’s contributions both on and off-screen. KLM Fashion Mall’s Kalyan echoed the sentiment, underscoring the unprecedented unity across the Telugu film fraternity for this milestone celebration.
Prominent figures such as KLN Kalyan, Anupam Reddy, Chadalavada Srinivasa Rao, Madala Ravi, C Kalyan, and others attended the press meet, affirming their support to make the event a resounding success.