Chiranjeevi will next grace the silver screens with the upcoming political thriller, GodFather. The project has already created a massive buzz among movie buffs and now the makers have announced that the grand pre-release event for the nail-biter will be held on 28th September this year at Ananthapur, Andhra Pradesh. They have also revealed the timing for the bash, 6 PM. Sharing the news on Twitter, the makers wrote, “Gear up for the MEGA Spectacle #GodFather GRAND PRE RELEASE EVENT ON 28th SEP from 6 PM at Ananthapur.”
Directed by Mohan Raja, GodFather marks the official Telugu remake of the 2019 movie Lucifer with superstar Mohanlal as the protagonist. The cast of the movie also includes Lady Superstar Nayanthara, Salman Khan, director Puri Jagannadh and Satya Dev as pivotal characters, among others.
The venture will talk about a mass leader, played by Chiranjeevi, who has been exiled from his hometown for two decades. As he plans to return, while some are happy, others make an effort to keep him out of their lives for good.
Apart from this, Chiranjeevi has also collaborated with director Meher Ramesh for a mass entertainer, Bholaa Shankar. The movie will see Tamannaah Bhatia and Keerthy Suresh in the lead roles with the rest. The Megastar further has Mega 154 along with Shruti Haasan in the lineup.
Chiranjeevi, who recently completed 44 years in the industry, took to Twitter and penned a nostalgic note that read, “Chiranjeevi the Actor as you all know was born today, 22 September 1978, 44 years ago! I owe this limitless love and affection I receive from you all, to this day! I owe everything to this day! Humbled and Grateful!.”