On Dussehra, October 5, two big Telugu stars are clashing at the box office with big-budget releases. On one hand is Chiranjeevi, whose film GodFather will hit the screens, and on the other hand is Nagarjuna, who will be seen in The Ghost. As of Tuesday evening, Chiranjeevi seems to be winning the box office battle with his film outperforming Nagarjuna’s by an extremely large margin.
GodFather, which also stars Nayanthara and features Salman Khan in a cameo, is a remake of Mohanlal’s Malayalam hit Lucifer. The action thriller is releasing in Telugu and Hindi. By Tuesday evening, the Telugu version of the film had sold tickets worth over ₹4 crore for day one. In addition, the Hindi version had seen advance bookings worth ₹10 lakh. As per industry sources, the figure is might even reach the ₹5-crore mark by the time advance booking closes later on Tuesday night.
In comparison, Nagarjuna’s The Ghost, which also stars Sonal Chauhan, has seen advance booking sales of only ₹70 lakh by Tuesday evening. The disappointing figure does not inspire much confidence in the film’s fate, given it will be competing with GodFather, which is all set for a grand opening. The films’ performance beyond the opening day will depend on how they are received by public and critics and what kind of word of mouth develops.
Recently, Chiranjeevi had opened up about the two films releasing on the same day. Talking to News18, Chiranjeevi said, “There is no competition with Nagarjuna. Both the films are unique and we are trying to showcase our talent in it and prove ourselves.” Last week, Nagarjuna wished Chiranjeevi good luck for the release of his film at the pre-release event of The Ghost. “My dear friend Chiranjeevi’s GodFather is also releasing on the October 5 along with The Ghost. I hope both the films become a big hit at the box office,” Nagarjuna said.
Chiranjeevi was last seen on screen in Telugu film Acharya, which bombed at the box-office. Nagarjuna, on the other hand, was seen in an extended cameo in Brahmastra, his first Hindi film in almost 20 years.