The teaser of upcoming Telugu superhero film HanuMan was unveiled on Monday. The film, which is a modern-day reimagining of the Indian god as a superhero, has piqued the interest of the audience ever since it was announced. Going by the teaser, the film looks like a grand story about a young boy who’s said to be another avatar of Hanuman. Made on a limited budget, the VFX of the teaser has caught the attention of netizens, many of whom feel it’s better than what they saw in the Adipurush teaser.
The teaser gives a shows a young man (Teja Sajja), who is the avatar of Lord Hanuman, taking on the bad guys and making them fly through the air in style. The grand visuals also show him leaping across the night sky and shots of a grand forest and a giant Hanuman statue.
The instant reaction to the teaser from netizens has been very positive. Director Prasanth Varma took to Twitter to release the teaser. The film also stars Varalaxmi Sarath Kumar and Amrita in key roles.
In the comments section, so many people raved about the film’s vision and said it has better VFX than Adipurush. The Prabhas-starrer was criticised for its ‘bad visual effects’ One comment read: “Quality and VFX. Best one.” Another comment read: “Best pan-Indian teaser in recent times.” So many comments pointed out that this teaser looks better than that of Adipurush. “HanuMan teaser is 200% better than Adipurush,” read a tweet.
“To be frank the teaser of #HanuMan is way, way better than #Adipurush. @PrasanthVarma with limited resources this kind of magical output. Take a bow (sic),” read one more tweet.
Directed by Prasanth Varma, best known for the National award-winning Telugu Awe, HanuMan stars Teja Sajja in the lead. The film will also be dubbed and released in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada. The film is said to be the beginning of the cinematic universe Prasanth is planning to build. There will be more parts in the franchise.