Rajinikanth fans are amazed after spotting a mosquito bat at Thalaiva’s house. Recently Kantara fame actor-and-director Rishab Shetty paid a visit to Rajinikanth and posted pictures from their private meeting. Many also pointed out that the veteran actor gifted Rishab a gold chain, days after praising his film on Twitter.
In the picture, Rishab and Rajinikanth are seen talking at the latter’s house. In one of them, Rishab took Rajinikanth’s blessings and touched his feet. However, what captured the fans’ attention most is a ‘middle-class’ mosquito bat, seen plugged in, on top of a side table. Another mosquito bat was also spotted under the centre table which left fans startled.
Reacting to it, a fan wrote, “Relieved to know even Rajini sir need mosquito bat. I thought (mosquitoes) do not dare to enter his home.” “Even #Rajinikanth uses a mosquito bat in his house, i thought it was restricted to middle class homes,” added another fan. Meanwhile, Someone also commented, “Anyone recognise that the Gold Chain in @shetty_rishab sir neck?? It may be gifted by @rajinikanth sir.. Chain seen missing before and appeared after honouring.” Rishab reacted to the tweet and confirmed that he did indeed got the chain as a gift.
Tweeting the photos, Rishab wrote in Kannada, “If you praise us once, we will praise you a hundred times (red heart emoji). Thank you @rajinikanth sir, we are always grateful for your appreciation of our Kantara film.”
Previously, Rajinikanth was all praises for Rishab’s Kantara. Rajinikanth wrote in a tweet, “‘The unknown is more than the known’ no one could have said this better in cinema than @hombalefilms #KantaraMovie you gave me goosebump @shetty_rishab Rishab hats off to you as a writer, director and actor. Congrats to the whole cast and crew of this masterpiece in Indian cinema.” Replying to it, Rishab said, “Dear @rajinikanth sir you are biggest superstar in India and I have been your fan since childhood. Your appreciation is my dream come true. You inspire me to do more local stories and inspire our audiences everywhere. Thank you sir.”