Actor Chiranjeevi presided over as the chief guest for the Telugu trailer launch of Laal Singh Chaddha on Sunday. At the event, Aamir Khan, who has always been eager to share screen space with Chiranjeevi, asked him why he didn’t approach him for a cameo but went for Salman Khan in his upcoming film, Godfather. Chiranjeevi said they roped in Salman because the character needed an actor for his physicality.
Chiranjeevi released the Telugu trailer of Laal Singh Chaddha, which is the Indian adaptation of Forrest Gump. Speaking at the event, Aamir Khan thanked Chiranjeevi for the gesture. He also said that he’d like to return the favour by working on one of his projects if there’s an opportunity. Aamir went on to ask why Chiranjeevi didn’t approach him for a role in his film Godfather and went with Salman Khan instead. “The character didn’t need someone with heart and brain but needed someone for their physicality, and that’s why we went with Salman,” said Chiranjeevi, bursting out into laughter.
Hero #AamirKhan about #GodFather movie Cameo Role@KChiruTweets#LaalSinghChaddha#LaalSinghChaddhaOnAUG11th#Chiranjeevi #MegastarChiranjeevi
— Chiranjeevi Army (@chiranjeeviarmy) July 24, 2022