Jr NTR has apologised to his fans after the much-awaited pre-release event for Brahmastra in Hyderabad got cancelled last minute tonight. For the unversed, the RRR actor was supposed to arrive as the chief guest for the event which was supposed to be hosted at Hyderabad’s Ramoji Film City, tonight on the 2nd of September. Apart from him, SS Rajamouli, Nagarjuna, Karan Johar, Ranbir Kapoor, and Alia Bhatt were also expected. However, just hours before the event, it got cancelled, following which upset fans demanded an official apology. And now, as a press conference was held at around 9 pm in the city, where Jr NTR apologized for the inconvenience.
Addressing his fans and the media, Jr NTR said, “I want to apologize to my fans. I would also like to apologize to National Media and Telugu media.”
As per a report in Hindustan Times, the event was cancelled as it did not get a go-ahead from the police. Reportedly, the Hyderabad police has deployed personnel for Ganpati Visarjan, and so could not deploy enough personnel for the mega event. Other sources have reportedly also said that a political rally planned in the city tomorrow may also be a reason for the police personnel being stretched.
Directed by Ayan Mukerji, Brahmastra is gearing up for worldwide release on September 9. Besides Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, the film also stars Nagarjuna, Amitabh Bachchan, and Mouni Roy in the lead roles. Superstar Shah Rukh Khan will be seen in an extended cameo. SRK will be playing the role of Vanar Astra in the film.
Filmmaker SS Rajamouli is presenting the film in all four languages. Megastar Chiranjeevi lent his voice to the Telugu trailer of Brahmastra. Made on a massive budget, the much-awaited film is bankrolled by Star Studios, Dharma Productions, Prime Focus, and Starlight Pictures.