The happy days are finally back for the Hindi Film Industry as the Ayan Mukerji directed Brahmastrais headed to take an excellent start at the box office on Friday, September 9. The film is recording extraordinary trending with advance booking and with one day still to go, the Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt starrer will record advances similar to blockbusters like Tiger Zinda Hai, Sanju, Sultan and Dangal. It has recorded not just the biggest advance of pandemic times for the Hindi films, but will also find a place in top 10 advances of all time.
As of Thursday morning, Brahmastra has sold approximately 1.97 lakh tickets at the three national chains – PVR, Inox and Cinepolis – with a gross collection of Rs 6.60 crore for opening day alone. This amounts to an opening day nett of Rs 5.50 crore. By the end of Thursday, Brahmastra is expected to sell 2.75 lakh plus tickets in the three chains and clock a gross total a little under Rs 10 crore in the three chains, which will be one of the highest of all time as far as advance booking is concerned. The IMAX version in specific is showing an extraordinary trend, clocking 70 percent occupancy across India with mere advance booking and this will just rise further on the day of release.
Talking of opening weekend, Brahmastra has sold around 4.25 lakh tickets amounting to an all-India gross of Rs 15.25 crore. The weekend nett in advance falls in the range of Rs 13 crore. By the end of Thursday, the weekend advance at merely the three chains will be around the Rs 20 crore mark, which is humongous to say the least and if the film carries good reports, sky is the limit for the theatrical run as there is ample hype and excitement among the audience. The advance trend suggests an opening upside of Rs 30 crore, and it’s the run of 2D versions in multiplexes and more importantly, the single screens that will determine if the film can emerge a record opener or if it stands around the Rs 30 crore mark.
If the occupancies are as good as the 3D version, a 35-crore start would happen with ease, however, if the occupancies in there are relatively low, then we can expect a start in the range of Rs 27 to 33 crore. The film is releasing in the South Indian languages too and there is a buzz in the marketing about those versions putting up another Rs 5 crore on the opening day and that should enable the film to pack a bumper opening at a Pan India level.
The national chains aside, the all India advance of Brahmastra for the opening day is around Rs 10 crore gross, with a weekend advance around the 20-crore mark as of Thursday morning.