The latest episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 6 is Monday, which means time for nominations. The episode witnessed a heated nomination task where the contestants had to break the pots of the inmates they wanted to nominate for eviction this week. Geetu nominated Marina citing contradictions in her statements and gameplay. She then nominated Rohit adding that his personality and performance are ‘confusing’. He asked her for an example but she couldn’t.
Revanth nominated Inaya and got into a verbal spat over his reasons. He then nominated Keerthi over an offensive expression. Adi Reddy called Inaya the fakest in the house and pointed her strategies towards Surya and the next nominated Revanth. Marina nominated Sri Satya and Geetu complaining that they frequently allege her and husband Rohit. Baladitya nominated Sri Satya calling her statement during the previous physical task ‘wrong’ and added that it can tarnish his image. He then nominated Faima saying her sarcasm is going overboard.
Keerthi nominated Geetu and Revanth. Vasanthi nominated Revanth and Geetu. Faima nominated Baladitya saying his gentleman hood is also going ‘overboard’. She then nominated Inaya and they had a heated argument over each other being ‘influenced’ and ‘fake’ in the house. She questioned Inaya’s gestures towards Surya as well.
Inaya nominated Geetu complaining about her tactics and decision during the captaincy contender task. Inaya and Adi had a long and heated argument over her reasons for nomination and her approach towards Surya previously. Srihan had a heated argument with Keerthi and Inaya over his reasons for nomination. He called Inaya a ‘backstabber’.
Inaya, Geetu, Revanth, Baladitya, Sri Satya, Keerthi, Faima, Rohit, Adi Reddy and Marina got nominated for eviction this week.