Ajith Kumar and Shalini, the power couple of the Tamil film industry have always kept a low profile when it comes to their personal lives. Both his popular star and his actress wife stay away from social media and hardly attend any film industry events. However, Ajith Kumar and Shalini’s occasional public appearances compensate for their absence on social media, and most of their pictures have gone viral on the internet instantly. Similarly, the much-loved couple is now winning the internet with the latest viral picture.
In this lovely picture which has been going viral on social media, Ajith Kumar and Shalini are seen having a great time at a party. If the reports are to be believed, the picture which was originally shared by Shalini’s brother Richard Rishi on social media was clicked during a private Deepavali party attended by the couple. In the picture, Ajith Kumar is looking dapper in a navy blue formal shirt, and his signature grey hair and long beard look. Shalini, on the other hand, looks pretty in a hot pink saree, and a contrasting blue blouse.
Ajith Kumar and Shalini fell in love during the shooting of their popular film, Amarkalam. In an old interview, the Valimai actor revealed how he accidentally injured the celebrated actress while shooting an important scene. However, Shalini didn’t reveal that she is hurt initially and completed the scene like a true professional. The couple became close friends post this incident, and eventually fell in love. The actress, who was working in films from the age of 3, decided to retire from the industry post wedding. Ajith and Shalini are blessed with two kids – a daughter Anoushka and a son Adhvik Kumar.
The celebrated actor will be next seen in Thunivu, the upcoming heist thriller which marks his third collaboration with director H Vinoth, after Nerkonda Paarvai and Valimai. The highly anticipated film, which is currently in the final stages of its post-production, is expected to hit the theatres in January 2023, as a Pongal special release. Ajith Kumar will start shooting for his 62nd project, which has been tentatively titled AK 62, in January. The project, which is helmed by Vignesh Shivan, is bankrolled by Lyca Productions.