Thalapathy Vijay is busy with Vamshi Paidipally’s Varisu at the moment. Before the Beast star is done with the shoot of this mass entertainer alongside Rashmika Mandanna, the actor has bagged another project. Talking at a recent media interaction to promote his upcoming game show Sarkaar, Jiiva announced that the 100th venture of the production house Super Good Films will feature Thalapathy Vijay as the protagonist.
He was quoted saying, “Thalapathy Vijay met RB Chaudary last week and agreed to work on the prestigious 100th production venture. I have been asking my dad to give me a role in the film. I told him that I’d be happy to do the film without getting a remuneration.” For the unaware, Super Good Films was founded by Jiiva’s father, RB Chaudary.
Thalapathy Vijay will also play the lead in Lokesh Kanagaraj’s flick, titled Thalapathy67 temporarily. Now, we have exclusively learned that Sanjay Dutt has been signed as the antagonist in this gangster drama. A little birdie told us, “The script demands the presence of multiple powerful villains and who better than Sanjay Dutt to play one of the many baddies in this yet untitled film. Lokesh has been in conversation with Sanjay Dutt for a while now and things have finally fallen in place. The actor is been paid a gigantic amount of Rs 10 crore to act in the film.”
The sources further revealed that the shooting for Thalapathy67 is expected to begin by October or November this year. The grapevine also suggests that Prithviraj will also be seen playing a negative character in Lokesh Kanagaraj’s directorial. The actor is yet to sign the dotted line.